Keith F Smith Liverpool GalleryIn 1980 I started a 4 year apprenticeship as a Commercial Artist with McCaffrey Bennett, a graphics studio in Old Hall Street, Liverpool.

During this time I also attended art classes at the Liverpool Institute and studied life drawing, painting and art history.

I have since worked continuously as an illustrator, photo retoucher, graphic designer, typographer, and also graphics studio manager in advertising agencies before starting my own studio.

I mainly with watercolours and ink but I also use many other mediums such as acrylic for larger paintings. I’ve always lived in Liverpool, and I try to capture  my favourite areas of the city in my paintings.

I regularly exhibit in Liverpool, and sell internationally. I have also featured in several publications including Artist & Illustrators magazine..

I always enjoy to painting special commissions and will tackle almost anything. If you have any questions please email or phone me using the details on the contact page.

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Welcome to my gallery of watercolour and acrylic paintings. I have a selection of original paintings and limited edition prints of Liverpool and other areas.


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